개발/오늘 배운 지식

[Vim + vscode] 단축키 모음(Vscode Vim Cheat Sheet)

Woogie2 2021. 10. 2. 19:25

다시 보기 위해 적는 vscode Vim extension 키 사용법.


Normal Mode


  • h 커서를 왼쪽으로
  • j 커서 아래로
  • k 커서 위로
  • l 커서 오른쪽으로
  • i Insert mode
  • <ESC> <Ctrl-C> <Ctrl-[> Go to Normal mode

단어별 이동

word는 괄호 문자 포함 X, WORD는 포함 O

  • w move to the beginning of next word
  • b move to the beginning of the previous word
  • e move to the end of the next word
  • ge move to the end of the previous word

  • W move to the beginning of next WORD
  • B move to the beginning of the previous WORD
  • E move to the end of the next WORD
  • gE move to the end of the previous WORD

알파벳 문자 하나 검색(하나의 코드 줄에서)

해당 문자로 커서 이동

  • f{character} Find next occurrence of character
  • F{character} Find previous occurrence of character

찾는 문자 하나 앞의 문자로 커서 이동

  • t{character} Find next occurrence of character and place cursor just before it
  • T{character} Find previous occurrence of character and place cursor just before it

다음 or 이전의 일치하는 문자로 이동

  • ; Go to next occurrence of {character}
  • , Go to previous occurrence of {character}

수평 방향으로 커서 이동(단일 줄에서)

줄의 앞과 끝

  • 0 Moves to the first character of a line
  • ^ Moves to the first non-blank character of a line
  • $ Moves to the end of a line
  • g_ Moves to the non-blank character at the end of a line

수직 방향으로 빠르게 이동하기

문단 단위 or 페이지 단위

  • } Jumps entire paragraphs downwards
  • { similarly but upwards
  • CTRL-D lets you move down half a page by scrolling the page
  • CTRL-U lets you move up half a page also by scrolling

검색 기능(하나의 파일 내에서 검색)

  • /{pattern} Search for {pattern}. {pattern} is a regex.
  • ?{pattern} Search for {pattern} backwards.

  • / Repeat last search forwards
  • ? Repeat last search backwards

  • n Go to next match
  • N Go to previous match

count를 활용해서 더욱 빠르게.

  • {count}{motion} Repeat {motion} {count} times

  • 2w Jump to second word
  • 4f" Jump to fourth occurrence of the " character
  • 3/cucumber Jump to third match of "cucumber"

Move Semantically

  • gd Go to definition (of the word under the cursor)
  • gf Go to file (for file under the cursor)

이외의 core motion들

  • gg Go to the top of the file
  • {line}gg Go to {line}
  • G Go to the end of the file
  • % jump to matching ({[]})


Edit with vim operators

  • {operator}{count}{motion} Apply operator on bit of text covered by motion

  • d delete
  • c change
  • y yank (copy)
  • p p (paste)
  • g~ switch case
  • > shift right
  • < shift left
  • = format


  • dd delete a line
  • cc change a line
  • yy yank (copy) a line
  • g~~ switch case of a line
  • >> shift line right
  • << shift lineleft
  • == format line

Capital Case operator더 Strong한 ver

  • D delete from cursor to the end of the line
  • C change from cursor to the end of the line
  • Y yank (copy) a line. Like yy
  • P put (paste) before the cursor

text object와 operator

  • {operator}a{text-object} Apply operator to all text-object including trailing whitespace
  • {operator}i{text-object} Apply operator inside text-object

  • diw delete inner word
  • daw delete a word
  • dis delete inner sentence
  • das delete a sentence
  • dip delete inner paragraph
  • dap delete a paragraph
  • di(dib delete inside parentheses
  • da( dab delete text inside parentheses (including parentheses)
  • di{ diB delete inside braces
  • da{ daB delete text inside braces (including braces)
  • di[ delete inside brackets
  • da[ delete text inside brackets (including brackets)
  • di" delete inside quotes
  • da" delete a quoted text (including quotes)
  • dit delete inside tag
  • dat delete a tag (including tag)

  • ciw same goes for other operators...

Repeat Last Change

  • . Repeat the last change

문자 수정 커맨드

  • x delete a character. Like dl
  • X delete character before the cursor. Like dh
  • s change a character. Like cl
  • ~ switch case of a character

Undo, Redo

  • u Undo last change
  • Ctrl-R Redo last undo
  • {count}u undo last {count} changes

Insert Mode

  • i go into insert mode before the cursor
  • a go into insert mode after the cursor

  • I go into insert mode at the beginning of a line
  • A go into insert mode at the end of a line

  • o insert new line below current line and go into insert mode
  • O insert new line above current line and go into insert mode

  • gi go to the last place you left insert mode

  • Ctrl-H delete last character
  • Ctrl-W delete last word
  • Ctrl-U delete last line

Visual Mode

  • v go into character-wise visual mode
  • V go into line-wise visual mode
  • Ctrl-V go into block-wise visual mode (to select rectangular blocks of text)

  • {trigger visual mode}{motion}{operator} Visual mode operates in kind of the opposite way to normal mode.First you specify the motion to select text, and then you apply the operator


Operate on Next Search Match

  • {operator}gn Apply operator on next match
  • . After using {op}gn, the dot commant repeats the last change on the next match. Woooot!

복사 및 붙여넣기

  • y{motion} yank (copy) text covered by motion
  • p put (paste) after cursor
  • P paste before cursor

  • yy copy line
  • Y copy line

  • yyp duplicate line
  • ddp swap lines
  • xp swap characters

  • "ay{motion} copy to register a
  • "Ay{motion} copy and append to register a
  • "ap paste from register a

  • " unnamed register
  • 0 yank register
  • 1-9 delete registers
  • [a-z] named registers

  • Ctrl-R a paste from register a when in Insert mode

창 분할

  • :sp {file} Open file in a horizontal split
  • :vsp {file} Open file in a vertical split
  • Ctrl-W S Open same file in a horizontal split
  • Ctrl-W V Open same file in a vertical split
  • Ctrl-W h Move to split to the left
  • Ctrl-W j Move to split below
  • Ctrl-W k Move to split above
  • Ctrl-W l Move to split to the right

탭 열기

  • :tabnew {file} Open file in new tab
  • :tabnext:tabn Jump to next tab
  • :tabprev:tabp Jump to previous tab
  • :tabonly:tabo Close all other tabs

vim surround 관련 커맨드

  • ds delete surroundings (e.g.) ds"
  • cs change surroundings (e.g.) cs\*tem>
  • ys add surroundings (e.g.) ysiw"

  • ds" delete surrounding quotes
  • cs*tem> change surrounding * for the <em> tag
  • ysiw" surround word under the cursor with quotes

  • S In visual mode you can select some text, then type S to add surroundings. e.g. Stp> to wrap the selection in a <p> tag


Vscode Learn Vim Extension
