
[ML] 기계학습 기초(2021) (SNU Machine Learning Fundamentals & Applications)

Woogie2 2021. 12. 28. 13:39

서울대 딥러닝 유튜브 채널의 강의(윤성로 교수님)를 보고 정리한 내용들.

Topic 1.

  • Introduction: Learning from Data
    • What is a tree? - Learning from data
    • Example: predicting how a viewer will rate a movie
    • Example: human-level control (game play)
    • Example: autonomous vehicles
    • The essence of learning from data - Exercise
  • Introduction: Problem Setup
    • Running example: credit approval
    • Components of learning: formalization
    • Example - Components of learning: learning algorithm
    • Basic setup
  • Introduction: A Simple Learning Model
    • Learning model: solution components
    • Hypothesis set
  • Introduction: Perceptron
    • Making a decision
    • The `perceptron'
    • Two-dimensional case
  • Introduction: Perceptron
    • Perceptron learning algorithm (PLA)
    • How PLA works
    • Iterations of PLA
  • Types of Learning
    • Learning paradigms
    • Supervised learning
      • Classification
      • Regression
      • training(비쌈) -> testing, inference(싸다)
      • (input, correct output)
    • Reinforcement learning
      • Training examples do not say what to do
      • Target output 없음.
      • Some possible output은 있음, 어떤 출력이 얼마나 좋은지 평가하는 grade or reward 있음.
      • (input, some output, grade for this output)
      • 축구에서 패스하는 행위에 대한 평가 같은 느낌.
      • Learning game
    • Unsupervised learning
      • (input,?)
      • 접근 방법들.
        • Clustering(k-means, mixture models, hierarchical)
        • Density estimation
        • Feature extraction ( PCA, ICA, SVD)
      • Semi-supervised learning, self-supervised learning(BERT)
      • Finding PATTERNS and structure
      • 지도 학습의 전 단계처럼 사용.
      • Higher-level representation of the data
        • Automated feature extraction
    • Example: coin clustering problem
    • Unsupervised learning can be viewed as ...
    • Exercise
    • Summary
      • Learning은 데이터에 패턴이 있을 때, 사용.
      • Leaning model: hypothesis set and learning algo
        • Perceptron and PLA
      • 머신 러닝 타입
        • 지도 학습
        • 비지도 학습
        • 강화 학습
      • Supervised learning: main theme
        • Unknown target function y = f(x)
        • Known training data set (x, y) …
        • Learning algo picks g = f from hypothesis set H

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